Blues is the name given to both a musical form and a music genre that originated in African-American communities of primarily the Deep South of the United States at the end of the 19th century from spirituals, work songs, field hollers, shouts and chants, and rhymed simple narrative ballads.The blues form, ubiquitous in jazz, rhythm and blues, and rock and roll, is characterized by specific chord progressions, of which the twelve-bar blues chord progression is the most common. The blue notes that, for expressive purposes are sung or played flattened or gradually bent (minor 3rd to major 3rd) in relation to the pitch of the major scale, are also an important part of the sound.
The blues genre is based on the blues form but possesses other characteristics such as specific lyrics, bass lines and instruments. Blues can be subdivided into several subgenres ranging from country to urban blues that were more or less popular during different periods of the 20th century. Best known are the Delta, Piedmont, Jump and Chicago blues styles. World War II marked the transition from acoustic to electric blues and the progressive opening of blues music to a wider audience. In the 1960s and 1970s, a hybrid form called blues-rock evolved.
The term "the blues" refers to the "blue devils", meaning melancholy and sadness; an early use of the term in this sense is found in George Colman's one-act farce Blue Devils (1798).Though the use of the phrase in African-American music may be older, it has been attested to since 1912, when Hart Wand's "Dallas Blues" became the first copyrighted blues composition. In lyrics the phrase is often used to describe a depressed mood.
Il blues è una forma musicale vocale e strumentale la cui forma originale è caratterizzata da una struttura ripetitiva di dodici battute e dall'uso, nella melodia, delle cosiddette blue note.
Le radici del blues sono da ricercare tra i canti delle comunità di schiavi afroamericani nelle piantagioni degli stati meridionali degli USA (la cosiddetta Cotton Belt). La struttura antifonale (di chiamata e risposta) e l'uso delle blue note (un intervallo di quinta diminuita che l'armonia classica considera dissonante e che in Italia valse al blues il nomignolo di musica stonata) apparentano il blues alle forme musicali dell'Africa occidentale.
Molti degli stili della musica popolare moderna derivano o sono stati fortemente influenzati dal blues.
Sebbene ragtime e spiritual non abbiano la stessa origine del blues, questi tre stili musicali afroamericani si sono fortemente influenzati tra loro. Altri generi sono derivazioni o comunque sono stati fortemente influenzati da questi: jazz, bluegrass, rhythm and blues, talking blues, rock and roll, hip-hop, musica pop in genere.
La ricerca musicale di molti artisti ha portato il blues, e soprattutto il jazz, a contatto con molteplici realtà musicali, creando stili sempre nuovi e differenti.
what do you think about the new jazz blues generation??
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